A Letter to the Lightworkers That Are Still Coming to Their Purpose

You feel it deeply, the urge to do more. It’s building up like a tidal wave, gaining momentum. You are no longer able to tolerate your old way of life - old patterns, relationships, situations, and career, in particular. Every day feels like a struggle for motivation, you catch yourself day-dreaming frequently. Yet, you feel a gap, or resistance, between your life today and the life you know you were meant to lead. Your need to make a difference on this planet grows every day and you interact with people that, by whatever means, remind you of that desire. Maybe they have that one connection, or they are wearing or talking about something in that realm, or show genuine enthusiasm about the same passion.

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How To Recognize a Twin Flame Relationship

Twin Flame relationships tend to be the most passionate, the most chaotic, and the most powerful connection in the Universe. It is said that when Twin Flames find each other, the vibration of the unity consciousness grid rises up even more, because when these two souls find each other, their energy shifts from duality back into unity

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Seeking The Right Words to Say in the Face of Tragedy

I’ve been looking through social media, television, and personal conversation to hear that one person say exactly what I need to hear to make sense of all of this. Some deeper spiritual meaning that someone else can bring to light to ease my troubled mind. I am deeply concerned about the fate of mankind and I am upset by the fact that something as horrible as mass murder keeps happening. There have been more mass shootings than days in 2017 in the United States.

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Jaelyn Kohl
Keeping the Sacred Flame Alight

It’s not all easy breezy, super-psychedelic and awe-inspiring at all times. Being consciously “awake”, and by awake I mean in-tune with our sixth sense or having an awareness that expands far past this ordinary reality, has its tough spots. Walking the path to spiritual liberation has been the biggest undertaking of my life. At times it’s lonely. Sometimes I just want to be normal like everyone else, going about daily life blissfully unaware of the bigger picture. But then, I remind myself why I am called to do this work. I wasn’t coming to this planet, at this time, in this life to be another one of the “sheeple”.

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Jaelyn Kohl
It's Never a Goodbye, Only a See You Later

I've been weary of writing this passage but I have felt this compulsion for some time now. In fact, this draft sat unfinished for almost six months, until the Creative Force gave another little nudge and I succumbed. Disclaimer: I don't know everything; I don't claim that I do. What I do believe is that this information has been passed on to me for the specific reason of giving it a platform for people who find this information useful to have the opportunity to use this knowledge to help them with their grief, growth, and well-being among many things.

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Jaelyn Kohl Comment
Lotus Flower of the Heart: What It Felt Like To Truly Love Myself

...I really studied the features of this woman in front of me. The fullness of her lips, the deep amber of time in her eyes, the radiant aura that emanated from her skin – I studied it all as if for the first time. However, I have seen the face of this goddess every day of my life. I have seen her transform from a curious, vibrant young girl, to a depressed and lost teen, to this magnificent being standing in front of me.
“I know you,” I whispered to her. “You’ve been here all along.”

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Embodying Shakti

My awakening began about three years ago, after a broken heart and years of depression finally obliterated my ego down into nothing. I was confused why it seemed that no one could love me, because I had so much love to give. It was at that point when I was sick and tired of being so sad that I turned my attention inward and began working from there. I studied Buddhist philosophy, read countless books on self-help, talked to people about their happiness tricks and soon understood that it was all up to ME to be happy. "What you think, you become" became a daily mantra, a mantra that I would never let the subject be "unhappy" anymore. It's taken three years to get where I am now, but after finding my Essence Twin/Twin Flame, focusing energy on positivity, realizing my way to serve others, and experiencing life at a much higher vibration than before, I have come a long way.

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