Posts tagged thetahealing
Subconscious Beliefs & The House of Cards

Hidden beneath your conscious thoughts are subconscious programs actually running the show. Your subconscious mind is a collection of memories and belief systems that have been adopted from the world around you, such as your family, society, your peers, and your experiences. Ages 0 through 7 are the most important times for forming your subconscious belief systems, though if we are being generous, up to age 14. We can continue having powerful experiences, both positive and negative, that shape neural pathways in our minds throughout our life, but that first decade or so sets us up for adaptive or maladaptive patterning, until we take the necessary and disciplined actions of changing them, or something bigger comes along to change them.

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The Sixth Insight: The Synthesis of Evolution
Conscious Communication ~ March 2019

The medicine of this month is all about movement; we have done the inner Work, with a capital ‘W’, through the stillness and introversion of winter and are now invited to crack open the seeds and move our energy towards the Light.

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Conscious Communication ~ February

No, codependence isn’t a dirty word; it's a learning word. It is a trigger word because it is your subconscious mind’s alarm system that indicates something is out of alignment. Codependency is an opportunity for reflection, clarification, and coming back into self-love. Through this process, one or more souls get to evolve as separate entities that come to meet in the middle and create a bigger, more vibrant experience facilitated by a mirror we call love.

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