Posts tagged energy healing
Subconscious Beliefs & The House of Cards

Hidden beneath your conscious thoughts are subconscious programs actually running the show. Your subconscious mind is a collection of memories and belief systems that have been adopted from the world around you, such as your family, society, your peers, and your experiences. Ages 0 through 7 are the most important times for forming your subconscious belief systems, though if we are being generous, up to age 14. We can continue having powerful experiences, both positive and negative, that shape neural pathways in our minds throughout our life, but that first decade or so sets us up for adaptive or maladaptive patterning, until we take the necessary and disciplined actions of changing them, or something bigger comes along to change them.

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Conscious Communication ~ July 2019

We are in the midst of an energetically powerful time - with several retrogrades, eclipses, and Cancer season here, emotions are running high and it is imperative that we take the time to get silent - to listen. Retrogrades always remind us to slow down, reflect, think, and then eventually receive insights in various components of our lives. Others may feel as though they have a burst of energy and are riding waves - this is still representation of an invitation to drop-in with yourself and recognize how you are using this power. This energetic gateway is a look into power and independence - how can you harness both physical and unearthly power in the highest and best ways? Unearthly power is not given lightly; it demands responsibility, compassion, caring, and sharing. The knowledge that may be gained during this time will teach humility and give a newfound excitement to share your unique gifts, talents, and abilities with the collective.

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A Letter to the Lightworkers That Are Still Coming to Their Purpose

You feel it deeply, the urge to do more. It’s building up like a tidal wave, gaining momentum. You are no longer able to tolerate your old way of life - old patterns, relationships, situations, and career, in particular. Every day feels like a struggle for motivation, you catch yourself day-dreaming frequently. Yet, you feel a gap, or resistance, between your life today and the life you know you were meant to lead. Your need to make a difference on this planet grows every day and you interact with people that, by whatever means, remind you of that desire. Maybe they have that one connection, or they are wearing or talking about something in that realm, or show genuine enthusiasm about the same passion.

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