Posts tagged communication
Conscious Communication ~ July 2019

We are in the midst of an energetically powerful time - with several retrogrades, eclipses, and Cancer season here, emotions are running high and it is imperative that we take the time to get silent - to listen. Retrogrades always remind us to slow down, reflect, think, and then eventually receive insights in various components of our lives. Others may feel as though they have a burst of energy and are riding waves - this is still representation of an invitation to drop-in with yourself and recognize how you are using this power. This energetic gateway is a look into power and independence - how can you harness both physical and unearthly power in the highest and best ways? Unearthly power is not given lightly; it demands responsibility, compassion, caring, and sharing. The knowledge that may be gained during this time will teach humility and give a newfound excitement to share your unique gifts, talents, and abilities with the collective.

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The Sixth Insight: The Synthesis of Evolution
Conscious Communication ~ May 2019

If you haven’t already, you will soon begin to understand why everything had to happen in the way it did. Heartbreak, lost opportunity, or illness will soon make itself clear as to what the blessings were underneath the lessons. This is a time for revelations and paying close attention to omens, for they point the path towards your priorities. Secrets are now exposing themselves, and only because you’ve been doing the necessary work, hopefully with patience and grace. This process heightens your intuitive abilities, and with that, comes surrender and trust in the grand design of it all. Prioritize healing and transformation, and accept your ability to know what lies just ahead.

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Conscious Communication ~ March 2019

The medicine of this month is all about movement; we have done the inner Work, with a capital ‘W’, through the stillness and introversion of winter and are now invited to crack open the seeds and move our energy towards the Light.

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Conscious Communication ~ February

No, codependence isn’t a dirty word; it's a learning word. It is a trigger word because it is your subconscious mind’s alarm system that indicates something is out of alignment. Codependency is an opportunity for reflection, clarification, and coming back into self-love. Through this process, one or more souls get to evolve as separate entities that come to meet in the middle and create a bigger, more vibrant experience facilitated by a mirror we call love.

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