The Sixth Insight: The Synthesis of Evolution

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It’s said that you must grasp the Insights sequentially, at your own divine timing. I didn’t realize I was moving through the Insights in my own Reality until I finally started reading the book so many important people in my life were recommending: The Celestine Prophecy.

I felt the resistance bubble up when I was, indirectly, asked to first to understand how I, as all humans do before their consciousness evolves, manipulate for energy from others. I dug in to the places that were uncomfortable and found purity on the other side.

After moving through this discomfort, the Manuscript leads one to establish one key core essence to each of the individual’s parents - one characteristic, one trait, that may describe their life’s purpose. Through the understanding of the synthesis of these two individuals, how they show up in the world, and where you as their offspring fall in between them to continue the evolution of the world’s human population, you find your own true, divine, life’s purpose.

When I found mine, all the self-study I plunged myself into over the past five years all came flooding in, and for the first time, I knew exactly why I had been in every place I had ever been, why I had the relationships I had, and how

Why was I born into this particular family, to these particular individuals? What did they teach me? What lessons will they have left me with when they are gone and I am but a fusion of their energy, continuing to exist on this plane?

My father, he continues to teach me how to live fully. How to just be, and go with the flow, no matter how high the water gets and especially when it seems like I’ve just been treading water forever, that persistence is key. He is unwilling to be swayed by others’ opinions, projections, or judgments. He represents dedication, and communication. Faith and loyalty must prevail above all, especially when it comes to family and even more so when it comes to your dreams. He’s tough while protecting, and gentle while nurturing. Commitment is key. And he never, ever, let me dare to “give up”. No matter what the circumstances of life are, even if it tries to kill you, it is my responsibility to my ancestors to never give up. My father’s purest intention on this planet, from my perspective, is steadfastness.

My mother, she loves. She taught me how much pain love can bring, but she taught me that to love fully is always worth the suffering it can bring, because the connection that is created is stronger than any other vibration in the Universe. Love, bonding, family, connection, sharing, caring for others, and the ability to rely on others. To trust. To embrace. To create partnership and relationship. My mother, to me, represents the essence of belonging.

Where does that leave me, somewhere in between steadfastness and belonging? It leaves me with the questions for which I will live my life to answer, for myself and the human race.

How do we continue forward, as the human race, no matter the circumstances, together? How do I help humanity recognize our connectedness and move past our differences? How do we create a sense of inclusion regardless of our unwillingness to be swayed by others’ projections? How do we connect with each other and stay true to our own path? How do we source strength from our relationship to the Universe, and not through artificial systems? Where do I belong while I’m on my own path?

This revelation is a deep, deep soul truth. I know it’s right because the tears poured. I sobbed just this morning at how divided we are - white vs. black, man vs. woman, rich vs. poor, conservative vs. liberal… the list goes on. My soul’s mission is to honor our individual suffering, to rise through it, to push on, and find our way back into Unity - a sense of belonging to ALL. To belong together as the human race and fight together, to root for each of us, as a Whole. To move into Unity.

My life has been a search for belonging, and the pain it has caused me when my need for evolution, my commitment to growth, has forced me to let go of that belonging. How far I have to go and feeling devastated when I must walk on my own. I wanted to belong to groups in school, but I didn’t want to compromise who I was in the process. I desire companionship and community and feel exposed on my own but I won’t stop walking. I have a greater commitment to my soulwork than those who deny me a belonging. I wanted to belong to a school, a degree, that would allow me to fight against injustice in the world. I wrote about music because of how it brings people together and sets all other opinions aside. I left my job at the dispensary because my sense of belonging shifted and I knew my Work was bigger than that - I had to keep moving.

I continue to leave the comfort of “belonging” I create when it challenges the way I want to live, my growth, my ambitions, or my own true, authentic sense of self and what’s best for me. And it causes great suffering. Of course my Chiron is in Libra, squared Cancer. My eternal wound is my sense of belonging in relationships - in other. When denied that nurturing, caring, softness, and support of Cancer, the archetypal Mother, I crumble. Because my nature is partnership. Unity through Duality. My mission is to honor the individual path, by doing it together. That’s why I’ll walk away, if someone isn’t honoring the sense of companionship I hold in such high regard. It’s why I’ll walk away if someone isn’t honoring their path and succumbs too fully into the individual. I think of all the times I’ve had to just keep going, leaving comfort behind. How often I crave to “belong” to someone, someone who honors their path and mine as if they were interchangeable - because they are. It’s why strength and ambition are so attractive to me - I need to know my partner can keep moving forward regardless of the circumstances...without getting lost in their own self-absorption. To still realize that the work they do on themselves raises the collective, because they are a part of the Whole. It is why connectedness is one of my top five strengths - along with input, intellect, empathy, and positivity.

Input to be able to absorb everything I’ve learned and teach it, so others feel seen and heard and understood. Why I spend so much time to listen and understand the individual, then connect them to the Whole, the Allness. Its why I chose ThetaHealing over all other modalities - because we are ALL a part of the ALL That Is, regardless of our beliefs.

I needed intellect to understand and comprehend the human condition and each of their struggles and why they are the way they are. I needed empathy to be able to connect with them, and meet them where they’re at. I also needed it to love them through their pain and remind them they are not alone - none of us suffer alone. But we all suffer and we all must keep moving forward.

So I needed positivity for encouragement, to light the way through the dark. To have something to believe in order to just keep going.

I needed a Libra Sun to focus my core on creating beautiful connections, to hold fairness and concern for justice of “other”.

They threw in a Capricorn moon for an unyielding ambition to achieve my goals. They gave me a Cancer Rising to aspire towards the ultimate nurturing and caretaking; for others to recognize that in me and to encourage trust.

I came from Taurus, a fixed sign of comfort and belonging and earthly pleasures and beauty. I am headed now for Scorpio - dissolution of structures that keep us in the earthly plane, in duality, in oblivious comfort.

I am a symbol to others that they belong within the Universe itself.

I was blessed with a Libra Venus to love my partnerships as hard and as fully as possible - to experience pure and absolute companionship and romance.

I was equipped with a Scorpio Mars to fight endlessly, tirelessly, for transformation and truth - the truth that we are not separate, even though we suffer differently.

Aries was placed on my Midheaven to become self-reliant and independent, to have the audacity to take risks if it leads to higher purpose - I can accomplish these things alone, if necessary. To lead others through self-reliance into a place they are able to fully show up for others.

I had to have a Libra Mercury, to take unbiased communication and the ability to take many, or any, point of view, for the ability to again connect to anyone and have them met where they’re at - to be seen, heard, and understood by another - to belong. I’m not supposed to be making judgments upon others, but just to show them they are valid and that they matter.

My world-view, my sense of expansion that is Jupiter, the realm of higher learning had to have the influence of Sagittarius, - philosophy, socialness, and deep thinking. I have to continue expanding by learning about the human experience and the spiritual experience, in order to marry them… and to do this with a sense of humor and adventure about it, so it doesn’t all get too heavy.

Then they gave me a Saturn in Pisces, to remind me always that my Work is for the GREATEST good - the highest and best for the benefit of ALL. I will sacrifice anything and everything for those who need help, in order to show them their Divinity. I abide only to the Spiritual Laws of the Universe - nothing earthly or divided.

I was born in my generation to have Uranus in Capricorn - to rebel against the order of things, the dualistic structures of society; the faulty systems such as the government, education, health, banking, etc. We are innovative, we see things as they should be. And we know it must be reformed.

Our Neptune shows us that there is danger and fragility in these established structures and that is how we tear them down. Boundaries, what has kept us separate, is soon to dissolve and that is exactly how we will come together.

And our its home sign of Scorpio. The destroyer and the liberator. Shiva-Kali. We will not stop until what is evil is destroyed, and transformed into new Creation.

I just saw myself for the first time. As if my eyes just opened to the Reality of who I am and what I’m really here to do. I’ve always known this life wasn’t just about myself. They told me I’d forget who I was, but eventually I’d remember… I guess it didn’t take that long, but it took long enough and I do not have more time to waste. I am awake. I remember who I am. I am here to lead the way forward, for many Earth generations to come.

And then, I’ll go Home and continue my watch in admiration and love of this miraculous, beautiful, bountiful, blue-green planet, as it continues its evolution and progression towards a completely spiritual culture. And I’ll smile, knowing my mission was accomplished - to lead the way to Unity with the Divine.

My mission is LOVE. For that, is the Ultimate Oneness. It is where we came from and it is where we will return. It is where the Earth will remain after our work on this chapter has been completed.

So it is, and so it shall be. Aho.

Written By: Jaelyn Kohl