Posts tagged eclipse
Monday Musing: Clearing the Way For Truth

 Willingly or unwillingly, we must release ways of being that, though they once served very important functions in our lives, are no longer aligned for the direction we are headed. It can be a very painful, visceral process of extraction, but if we’re game, it can be an auspicious time of supreme upleveling.

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Conscious Communication ~ August 2019

Here we are, in August, resurfacing after some heavy eclipse cycles and massive metamorphosis, waltzing into the Lion’s Gate with triumph and liberation. Through the energies that align in the skies above, we have learned what it means to take charge of our own lives. The lingering thoughts and the remnant feelings have been shedding, layer after layer, over the course of this summer - and now it’s finally time to honor all of our hard work. 

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Conscious Communication ~ July 2019

We are in the midst of an energetically powerful time - with several retrogrades, eclipses, and Cancer season here, emotions are running high and it is imperative that we take the time to get silent - to listen. Retrogrades always remind us to slow down, reflect, think, and then eventually receive insights in various components of our lives. Others may feel as though they have a burst of energy and are riding waves - this is still representation of an invitation to drop-in with yourself and recognize how you are using this power. This energetic gateway is a look into power and independence - how can you harness both physical and unearthly power in the highest and best ways? Unearthly power is not given lightly; it demands responsibility, compassion, caring, and sharing. The knowledge that may be gained during this time will teach humility and give a newfound excitement to share your unique gifts, talents, and abilities with the collective.

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