Conscious Communication ~ August 2019

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Reconnecting to the Divine

Here we are, in August, resurfacing after some heavy eclipse cycles and massive metamorphosis, waltzing into the Lion’s Gate with triumph and liberation. Through the energies that align in the skies above, we have learned what it means to take charge of our own lives. The lingering thoughts and the remnant feelings have been shedding, layer after layer, over the course of this summer - and now it’s finally time to honor all of our hard work. 

During this transit, many of us finally came to terms with the toxicity we unknowingly absorbed from other people, situations, or places. Throughout this intensity, we cleared out space on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual planes. We cut cords. We examined our relationship with harsh environments, toxic substances, and harmful human relationships. The importance of being able to clear, and shield, our energy was magnified tenfold. And we listened.

We learned about boundaries. What we will, and will not, stand for when it comes to our own well-being. What are you willing to experience in this new energy, and what will not be tolerated? Because of the work we have done, we are now very clear on our chosen experiences, what we desire to have, do, and be. We realized that being empathetic without strong boundaries in place made us lose ourselves to the cause, the person, the relationship, the job, or the situation. There is no telling what is your own and what belongs to another if boundaries are weak, and this portal was the Universe’s invitation to redefine yourself through these mirrors. The ‘Sacred No’ got louder - and it will not be ignored.

And in a way, we relied on strategy to navigate through these boundaries and toxic situations. Some of us decided to play dead - apathetic. Some of us pretended we were unafraid. Some of regressed into our patterns of playing victim to these energies. Some just got caught in the drama. Most of us played with a mixture of any or all of these strategies, because they came from a deeper place of childhood programming. We were encouraged to look at how these exact patterns ‘kept us safe’ as children and how now, in our evolution, they do not serve us the same way and must be transformed. We learned we don’t need to defend our right to be, the ways we live our lives, or how we establish ourselves. There is no need for excuses on who we are, the choices we make, or the way we assert ourselves in challenge or opposition. 

Now, on the other side of that, during this auspicious Lion’s Gate, we find our breath. We take a breath of rebirth, revitalized and ready to reopen communication with the Divine. The communication has its own rhythm now, as if it flows rather than is forced. Guidance is being given freely as we are able to enjoy the freedom we have created for ourselves through all this intensity. We realize now we are a link, that all of this work was necessary for the Collective, not just ourselves. The work we have done has created solutions in the greater scheme of life, and it is now time to ride the waves of joy and laughter as we let the rest wash away. 

It’s time to create art, express our feelings, and nurture the softer aspects of our being. Nature is calling us back into her embrace as we move from Leo (fire) into Virgo (earth). August is about the heart, and about the body. Be sure to spend time in nature, to listen to her messages. Drink clean water to help flush any residual toxins and negative energy. Go bathe in natural waters, such as the ocean, a river, hot springs, or mountain lake.  Utilize nature’s medicines, such as flower essences, crystals, or plant spirits to reconnect with the peace and liberation that is your birthright. Get some fresh air, spend some time alone, and re-source yourself from Source. After the massive clearing we have done this summer, it is imperative to fill ourselves back up with positive energy in order to protect ourselves from the outer harsh environments, relationships, and toxins.

You have done the heavy lifting - and as Jupiter goes direct on August 11th, your world is about to start expanding again in a rapid way. Take these next few days to cleanse the residual ‘stuff’, set your intentions, and fill yourself up with fresh energy as we head straight for all the manifestations we’ve been working on. 

Blessed be!

Jaelyn Kohl