Manifesting Magic ~ September Conscious Communication

Manifesting Magic

September Conscious Communication 2019

Life is a continuation of interconnected pieces, spiraling out from its origin. We wrap back around to look at deeper truths through the layers we have created around it. It’s hard to see where we’re going exactly, but there truly is a divine process to be honored for yourself. It’s time for you to see yourself as an infinite being, that creates and weaves patterns throughout time; not just this lifetime but within the expansiveness of the infinite plan.

Your biggest challenge right now is to fail to see the expansiveness of this plan by being too caught up in the self-criticism and from the critiques of outside influence, which inevitably breaks down the relationships in your life. However, it is not the actual criticism that causes this disruption - it is the reflection of something you dislike, even hate, about yourself that you see through the mirror of others. These reflections are neutral by nature, it is our own perceptions that create meaning and polarity of ‘good’ and ‘bad’. When you focus too much on these thoughts as negative, villainizing others, this only is feeding your ego. The best way to combat these challenges is to get quiet and listen to the inner self; your body, your heart, and the truth it starts to speak to you. On the other side of this process, you may be moved to create. If you are denying yourself of this creation, destructive patterns may emerge, further calling you into reflective process to begin again. 

You are welcome to ‘come out of the closet’ if you will, and reveal your true feelings about who you really are, how you want to show up in the world, or the projects or opportunities you wish to create. You have real magic in your fingertips, and it doesn’t do anyone any good when you try to hide it away. Fear is a powerful emotion and finds ways to self-sabotage before we can even really get started - we may fear what others think of us, what kind of self-created demons lurk, or that our true authentic nature isn’t really as incredible as we want it to be...and all of these patterns keep us small. When you shine your light, it’s less scary to enter into the darkness of the void - for that is the beginnings of all Creation. 

Use this fear as a tool to learn about your inner obstacles and walk into the creative force, knowing that you can only experience the change in consciousness you are asking for by dropping into the things you don’t already know. Stop trying to ‘figure it out’ - that’s not possible. The grandness and complexity of the Void holds its beauty in the mystery. The power of the unknown is at work in your life, right now, and the deeper the mystery, the more magical the next experience is going to be. Ask yourself, “Can I accept this oncoming gift? Am I ready to harness this energy for creation rather than destruction? Is it possible for me to be open, with myself and others, about the fact that I don’t really know what’s going on, and release any judgments about how things ‘should’ look?” It’s time to turn into the magician in your own life, and bring these deeper mysteries to Light. You are spiritually supported in this process.

In fact, if you doubt your power even if for a moment, you must realize that you have created, and attracted, everything in your life already up to this point. Even the lessons, and especially the blessings. Your Higher Self has called in some massive upheaval to shift anything that’s not aligning with your highest and best out of your life, including patterns, behaviors, relationships, opportunities, jobs, and more. You do not have to be loud about this process, stumbling through life causing a ruckus and drawing negative attention to yourself. It is indeed possible to move gracefully, weaving into and through any location or situation as you become like the wind. You can be quiet in working on your goals to deter interference, and this may elevate your confidence. With higher confidence comes higher vibration, which sets the stage for attracting more of what you DO want and letting go of what you do not. When you meld into the shapes of what you want to become, even if it’s just pretend, you can observe from an objective standpoint and get a better understanding on what it is you truly want to create in your life. 

Now is an important time to be accountable for the type of magic you are using, and where you want that energy to flow.

Blessed be!
