How To Recognize a Twin Flame Relationship

Image sourced from Pinterest

Image sourced from Pinterest


If you aren’t ready for a relationship that is going to completely transform you, then the door for your Twin Flame to appear is not open yet.



Twin Flame relationships are, in my understanding, the top tier of the phrase “soulmate”. When your soul was just a spark, when Consciousness was getting to know itself, there was a decision made to split that spark in two. Think of cell division. When this soul spark settled into a new expression of duality, a Twin Flame connection was born. This is what people mean when they talk about the “other half”, and it validates some truth of “opposites attract”. The soul spark that was once whole, complete, and unified now has the opportunity to recognize itself from its opposite - a masculine and feminine energy of complementary duality. This doesn’t necessarily mean that one party incarnates as male and one as female, but when the Twins come together, they each offer an embodiment of either and a little bit of both. The purpose of this division is to learn about oneself through its mirror.


That is why Twin Flame relationships tend to be the most passionate, the most chaotic, and the most powerful connection in the Universe. It is said that when Twin Flames find each other, the vibration of the unity consciousness grid rises up even more, because when these two souls find each other, their energy shifts from duality back into unity. The two sides of the same coin do not recognize each other, but they complete a whole nonetheless. And it is not a situation that is all airy-fairy and Disney Princess worthy. It is a crash-course to knowing your Self through your Twin. It is messy, and terrifying, and exhilarating, and nerve-wracking. It’s like pulling out all your secrets from the back of the closet and airing them out for criticism. But, here’s the catch - when you find that Twin Flame, there is nothing in the Universe that can stop them from loving you, no matter what type of crazy stuff you pull out of that closet. Because they’re going to be showing you all their “awkward phase” photos, secret journals, and guilty pleasures too… and you will still love them the same.


The purpose of Twin Flame relationships is to experience the highest highs and lowest lows. And still stay rooted in Unconditional Love. These relationships exist to give us a crash-course on LIFE and learning. We come together to show our wounds, share our triumphs, and shower someone in Divine Love. Twins have a soul agreement to help each other move through unresolved karma, release painful experiences, look at their Shadow sides, and play a part in the healing of the collective through their recovered Unity.


If you are still holding onto your wounds, being stubborn in your path of liberation, or gripping to a fear-based “Reality”, you are not ready for your Twin Flame. Or, you have denied your Twin Flame. These relationships do not have to be intimate in nature; Twin Flames can be expressed as familial relationships, coworkers, teacher-student or even just acquaintances. Personally, I believe that when you have reached the partnership of lovers, I believe you have cleared much of the karma you were meant to do together and it is an honor to have reached that level. However, this is just my experience and I cannot speak for every soul agreement between every Twin Flame partnership out there. I have heard of Twin Flames just barely brushing paths in a life and that too can be a part of the agreement, probably for personal and independent growth for both parties. Maybe their soul mates had more to teach them than their Twin, and that holds no judgement. Every single expression is different, and that is why there are so many expressions to be had.


Destiny brought my Twin Flame to me at a young age. I was 17 when I met him, and he was 22. Besides the uncertainty of the age gap, our connection was immediate and hard to ignore. The Universe brought us together first by happenstance - he moved to my hometown just a month before we crossed paths. Then, almost a year later, we were set up on a blind date. After a rocky start with an on-off theme for most of 2013, we came back together for a steady relationship in spring 2014 and had four and a half years in relationship. People had their qualms and concerns, as they always do, but when you connect with your Twin Flame, it is such an undeniable fact and in the heat of the passion this relationship creates, it doesn’t matter what anybody says. When I met him, his energy was so strong it threw me off. I couldn’t figure out why I was like a moth to a light for him. He was in my thoughts constantly, and when we were together, I would experience this surge of energy that I had never felt before with any other partners. His touch electrified my entire body and he had a way of speaking Truths that I was glued.


I wish I could say it was “love at first sight” but really it was a feeling that I attribute to an approaching storm - I didn’t know how to prepare myself, and I had an inner knowing that this man had more power than anyone in the world to destroy everything I thought I knew about myself and the Universe. In the beginning I tried to bunker down, to hide away my emotions and build my defenses. He waltzed right through them without any resistance. And I found myself so intrigued with the pouring rain and electric lightning pulses that I walked into the eye of the storm and danced with him in it. The storm builds, releases, and creates rainbows as we approach our next life lessons on a constant cycle. That’s not to say that the storm never scared me - at times, it got so intense I wanted to run off to a far away land with only sunshine and flowers. And eventually, I did. I was addicted to the delusions deep inside that made me think me I would never get the depth and the rush of experience that I now crave anywhere else but right in the thick of our weather patterns we created together.


To recognize a Twin Flame relationship, there are some hints and patterns that the Universe gives us to help us remember.

There is an overwhelming connection with them, unlike anything you’ve experienced before.

You feel balanced, understood, and aligned with Source energy.

You have dreams and visions of them, and feel their presence coming before they actually appear.

Synchronicities are more prevalent.

Seeing 11:11 or finding things that remind you of them like songs, colors, mutual friends, etc. on a daily basis.

There is a strong sensation of “coming home.”

You feel as though you’ve met this person before. You are able to recall vivid past life memories and some experiences in this life trigger strong emotions because of your history together.

They are complementary to yourself.

There are significant differences in likes and dislikes, personalities, demeanor, strengths and weaknesses. One’s challenges is the others’ strong suit.

You have an extremely telepathic/psychic connection.

With time, Twin Flames develop telepathic communication and understand without words how the other is feeling, thinking, experiencing, etc. You experience emotions together, can tell when they are thinking about you, and simultaneously reach out when you’re apart.

It’s likely that when you met, one or both of you were already in a different relationship or weren’t necessarily ready for a new one.

It takes a large amount of courage, but it is necessary growth and both must be ready.

The relationship is continuously evolving throughout hardships.

Each time an issue is resolved, the relationship becomes stronger and both parties better able to navigate this Earthly realm and its lessons. You share similar goals and can get through anything together.

Separation feels intense and uncomfortable, and you are both at your best when you’re together.

Although there is a strong psychic connection, physical presence of your Twin Flame feels most natural and you are able to be your best self when in close proximity. It is in my experience that many Twin Flame relationships also have a mandatory period of separation before coming together again down the road.

Your growth and learning curve of human experience is rapidly increased after reuniting with your Twin Flame.

Twin Flames help us to realize lessons and help us to experience life at its sweetest, most potent, and incredible vibration. They take you to depths of your soul you have never met before and with this, you see the world in new perspectives.

You practice Unconditional Love.

Your partner may have traits and habits that are undesirable or unappealing, but it is easy to overlook these because your love is so strong. It is separate than overlooking flaws - it is the encouragement to look at these flaws and improve upon them from your partner that causes true growth.


One last thing I’ll say regarding the Twin Flame relationship is that it happens all in Divine and Perfect Timing. There is no rushing into this relationship; it can be agreed upon to carry out personal life lessons for many years (and lovers) before the reunion, or to not meet at all, or to be a brief encounter. Please do not feel like you are alone and that your Twin has abandoned you if you have not met them yet for this life, as that just means there are very important personal growths and other soul contracts to fill in order to be adequately prepared for that partnership. Also, do not feel abandoned if your Twin and yourself have gone opposite ways, as many reunite after some time to experience independence or again, to fill more soul contracts. In my experience, it was very obvious when our soul contract was complete - the relationship started burning out and our lessons started taking us in different directions. It was one of the hardest and most painful decisions I’d ever made. Dig deep and find what resonates with you, and know that we can only control so much in this Earthly realm and most often, it is Source that makes decisions. Only when it is in your highest and best interest will your Twin Flame appear, or leave. The information here is yours to use to manifest them, simply to prepare yourself, or look deeper into your current relationships.


I wish for you all to receive the highest and best lessons that are appropriate for you at the time, and may you recognize your Twin Flame for who they are and grow more familiar with the lessons of Unconditional Love.


Written by: Jaelyn Kohl

 If you feel you have found your Twin Flame in this incarnation and need guidance to help you navigate it, understand the key soul lessons, or find healing, email me at or check out my Special Offerings page.

For more reading on Twin Flame and Soulmate dynamics, check out my other articles:

Being Soulmates Doesn’t Mean You’re Destined To Be Together

Everything You Need To Know About The Twin Flame Journey

Soul Contracts: Karmic, Dharmic, Recognition & Resolution

“Soulmates & Divine Timing”