ThetaHealing Package for Returning Clients

ThetaHealing Package for Returning Clients


Begin your path to wellness with an incredibly powerful energy-healing modality known as the ThetaHealing Technique.

In your first session we will identify subconscious beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your highest and best self, release them, and replace them with positive programs. The second session you can expect to receive a massive clearing of anything that is no longer serving you in the highest and best way. The third and final session focuses on downloading new programs and balancing you within your new vibrational state.

All new clients interested in ThetaHealing are asked to purchase the 3-part package to begin the work. This is because I have found that three sessions provide the best container for clients who are new to this modality. A solid container of client-practitioner trust is necessary to achieve the depth of work this type of modality is capable of.

Thank you for your understanding! I look forward to serving the highest and best version of yourself.

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