Celestial Sisters

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Compassionate Detachment:Full Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius Full Moon + Venus Retrograde in Leo

Compassionate Detachment

"Well I ain't often right but I've never been wrong

It seldom turns out the way it does in the song

Once in a while you get shown the light

In the strangest of places if you look at it right" ("Scarlet Begonias", Grateful Dead)

As I sat down to channel this message through, these lyrics seemed to have floated on the air straight into my mind. Kind of whimsical, actually.

The Full Moon in Aquarius provides us an opportunity to look at our lives from the 'big picture' perspective. Full Moons are a time of honesty, illumination, and release. Aquarius is known as the sign of "The Humanitarian" or even "The Rebel." Aquarius is a high-minded sign that gets easily bored with the drama of daily life and would rather spend its time envisioning a greater society and thinking up at least six impossible things before breakfast (an "Alice in Wonderland" reference for those whose heads that went completely over). 

As such, Aquarius can master the art of detachment - whether it's healthy or unhealthy depends on its mood. But the gift in this sign is the ability to turn everything on its head, to witness others (and ourselves) through the lens of perspicacity. 

Yet, if we identify too heavily on the 'know-it-all' shadow side of Aquarius, we find that we cut ourselves off from the invitation to learn more and as a result, the ability to get out of our own way when it comes to the 'strangest of places' where the light shines through - AKA the epiphanies and breakthroughs that only arrive when we're willing to step outside of everything we think we know and make space for all that is yet to learn.

During this Aquarius Full Moon, we are likely feeling the effects of the astrological landscape when it comes to our relationships, personal truths, boundaries, and desires for freedom... and the capacity to examine it all from a mildly detached position.

With Venus retrograding back through the final degrees Leo, an Aquarius Full (Super) Moon, and the fresh nodal shift into the Aries/Libra axis, we're taking into consideration where we have identified too strongly with certain dynamics, belief systems, patterns, and behaviors that aren't actually moving us towards what will bring us our ultimate joy in life.

To break it down for you:

Venus Retrograde in Leo = an examination of our heart's truest desires, a reality-check of what (and who) we're *actually* passionate about and what we need to let go of in order to feel whole, worthy, and lit the f*k up

North Node in Aries = what new frontier do we want to forge into and cultivating the courage to go it alone if we must

South Node in Libra = what people-pleasing, boundary-less tendencies have stunted our growth and how willing are we to let go of them? What have these behaviors cost us?

With all this energy in the mix, I'd like to point out the undercurrent of Leo, Aquarius, and Aries, in my opinion, is FREEDOM. 

What have we been holding onto in our hearts that is keeping us from being fully free, to be self-actualized in the highest extent, and have the confidence to shine?

So often it's old wounding from storylines that have long since served their purpose. And yet, they're so familiar they are disguised as 'safety'.

Each time I come back to this question, I am offered the remedy of "Forgiveness". So, how do we make the process of forgiveness safe? Because often times we're so attached to the story of the wrongdoing, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart, that we hold ourselves hostage in resentment, blocking our blessings and committing denial of our self-truths.

Sometimes, just the sheer act of even considering forgiveness can bring up fear, anxiety, and even anger. 

But remember, this Full Moon is encouraging you to step out of the 'story' of it all. Leave the pent up emotions at the door and be honest about what you see outside of that old storyline. Is it really serving you to hold onto the pain, does it *actually* keep you safe? Does it TRULY offer you the space and grace to call in better experiences? 

I think the greatest gift that Aquarius reminds us is this: "It's not personal."

Can you be brave enough to consider that the projections/actions/words of others is likely not personal at all, but rather an expression of their own inner pain and strife?

Aquarius shows us that with this mantra in mind, we can actually choose to respect others' decisions, even if they have caused us pain before, even if we don't agree or see their perspective entirely. Because holding onto that story, harboring resentment in our hearts, only blocks us from experiencing the joy, liberation, and pleasure that is accessible to us on the other side.

From this new place of perspective, we gain access to the prioritization of our own peace. To find gratitude for the lessons, to establish our own security within ourselves, and root into the fact that what's true for us may not always be true for others. And that's okay! It no longer has to mean anything bad about them, or about us. It just simply IS.

So my invitation to you during this Full Moon is this:

Set the boundaries you need to in order to feel safe and free. Use assertiveness, but not aggression.

Acknowledge the fact that others' personal truths may vary from yours. But don't make it mean anyone's 'wrong'. Always choose respect.

Choose your peace over the story of it all.

Practice forgiveness, even if just a little tiny baby step. Even if it is just an acknowledgment that the hurt hurt, but you don't have to carry it anymore.

Trust that whatever arises during this time is the Universe moving you in the direction of your own highest and best possible outcome, even if it means going it alone. Remember, your peace is priority.

Come back to connection, but only once you've taken a step out of the story. Maybe it's a matter of coming home to your own heart, or maybe it is resolution with a loved one. We can't stay detached forever, nor can we remain submersed in others entirely. 

May this channel have served you well.



P.S. Your Astrological Natal Chart holds the keys to your primary strengths, gifts, challenges, and growth edges in this life. It is ultimately the ‘cosmic fingerprint’ of your soul, outlining the type of personality and life course your soul chose for this particular incarnation. If you are seeking a new sense of purpose or direction, a profound feeling of being truly seen, heard, and understood, or are curious about specific timing in your life, I am currently offering Mystic Astrology Natal Chart Readings! Click the link or send me an email to book yours.