Celestial Sisters

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An Empath's Guide to Transitional Times

An Empath’s Guide to Transitional Times 

I have been taking it slow with the processing of recent events. Nibbling on little bits of a time, and taking plenty of time to digest its contents. Sometimes, I consciously take some time to step back, to drop out, to reattune myself to nature. I like to see it as a recalibration to Oneness; all systems have to be in balance to execute meaningful change and take aligned action.  

I’ve been spending a lot of time with the birds; listening to their songs, admiring their colors, and watching how they fly. I put up several hummingbird feeders on my back patio and am gleefully reminded of their medicine each time they flutter past my head at unimaginable speeds, their feathers flashing rapid iridescence as they go. Hummingbird has been my dearest companion totem over the past two years, as a reminder to lead with my heart, drink up the nectar of life, and choose freedom, over and over again. I’m grateful for these frequent visits, particularly during these challenging times when it feels like my heart keeps breaking, every evening with the daily news. 

I read recently that the higher our vibration, the more attuned we can be to animal medicine, and therefore in a deeper place of receiving their wisdom. I’ve noticed that birds seem to always appear when I am particularly deep in thought. Crow swoops by to caw about Universal Law, Hawk cries overhead to tell us to listen closely and pay attention, and Buzzard circles to explain to us that the old ways are dying in order to once again purify our minds and our hearts. Lizard lays dreamily on the warm stones to convey that our dreams are important and we mustn’t let them fade away. Doe and Fawn visit daily, as my gentle reminder be soft, be open, and face the darkness with innocence and purity. 

The trees of the Sierra Nevadas have been my most powerful teachers throughout this time. They tower hundreds of feet into the air as sentinels around my home, watching over distant lands and sending me messages as I admire their resilience. “Stand tall, take up space, root firmly, and remember that your strong core cannot be wavered by howling winds.” As I gaze out of my office window at this moment, I giggle at their sweet cliche - “Don’t miss the forest for the trees.” There is a much, much bigger picture here than what we can see right now just in front of our noses. See, on the forest floor, things are scattered, messy, and disorganized. There is only so far one can see uninhibited until the scene blends into a wall of dark emerald. But as we lift our gaze higher, more light comes in. The hues of green enliven themselves, and more blue sky is visible. The trees extend their branches and reach their leaves to the farthest point in every direction and through this image we recognize that the higher we rise, the more flexibility, space, and awareness emerge. 

Together, as a global species, we are rising. We have recognized that the forest is much larger than a single tree, that everything must coexist in order for life to continue. However, in navigating dense woods, we are bound to gain some scratches here and there, maybe falling a couple times or meeting monsters. If we can navigate effectively, the view from the top will be one that we have been waiting for since the moment we decided to come to this planet. But it is imperative that as sensitive souls, we have to fill our own roots with nourishment first and foremost before we are available to keep holding our neighbors up as well. 

These ancient record-keepers have been my guides as I work to root and rise myself. Here are their messages, may they be of service to you as well.

Be a good Listener... To your body, to your loved ones, to professionals, to activists, to neighbors…there are messages carried by the wind, clues that lead to the trail that eventually lead us to the Earth we are all dreaming of. I heard once that some First Nations tribes shared important information through the systems of trees - they would tell the tree the news and trust that it was carried to the receiver quickly; they just had to be silent enough to listen for it. 

Be truly present... With the discomfort. Be curious about it, and take it in small doses. There is always going to be edges to meet, or fires that burn. The best we can do right now is not allow ourselves to be overcome with the fires raging, but rather meter them best we can by clearing out the debris within our own systems. To be present means granting uncomfortable emotions and conversations their space without the influence of judgment. 

Be gentle... With yourself and others. Not every day is the best day. Not every day is the worst. We are all fighting immense battles right now and some are better hidden than others. We cannot be responsible for another's' action, but we can be accountable for how we show up and show compassion. The forest acknowledges that we are all inherently connected; where there is suffering for one, there is suffering for many. 

Be open... To new awareness, new ideas, and new experiences. The natural world shows us that anytime we clear out space, an organic intelligence quickly fills it with something more beneficial, such as new growth after a wildfire. When we are open to releasing old belief systems, we have created space to invite in new systems that serve us much better as a whole of humanity. 

Be grateful... For gratitude shifts your vibration into alignment quickly when you are able to recognize all that you DO have. Nothing fires up the immune system and serotonin receptors like thankfulness. Your ability to be grateful for the circumstances in your life does not take away anyone else’s validity in their suffering, nor does it deem you ignorant to the hardships our global community is facing. It simply means that by recognizing the gifts you have been given, you become a beacon for more good in the world. Side note: having and acknowledging you have privilege is not a bad thing, as long as you use it wisely to help empower and uplift those who have less than you do. Simultaneously, your ability to celebrate your own health does not diminish the reality of the pandemic - it is a way for you to keep your vibration high and immune systems strong.

Be curious... Sometimes you may feel like you are open to detective sleuthing, and others maybe a butterfly awareness is more appropriate. Seek to understand yourself and how you have shown up, decide if it reflects your values, and change as necessary. The more deeply familiar you become with yourself, the more clear your gifts become. These gifts, once developed, become your dharma, or your spiritual purpose. This spiritual purpose becomes the ways in which you can help to ease the suffering of the world. We all have individual missions and one’s dharma is not more or less important than anyone else’s, for they all must work in harmony to achieve the greater goal of a peaceful and prosperous world.

And finally...

Be grounded... Take any opportunity to offer your dense energies to Mother Earth. My teacher Dayna Seraye recently referred to an Incan belief that Pachamama is nourished by density, as it is her natural form. These heavy emotions may include fear, anxiety, grief, sadness, frustration, anger, impatience, and more. When these densities build up in your systems, they create energetic blocks which can lead to a manifestation of illness in the body. So take a walk, sit next to a tree, work in the garden, admire some plants, take your shoes off and rub your toes in the dirt, or even just imagine a cord of light that connects the bottom of your spine with the center of the Earth below. Your body and Pachamama will thank you.

Remember, things are not “getting worse”; they have just been kept secret. Everything we are seeing now is being uncovered because it is time for our Earth to shed malicious systems, poor practices, and outdated ways of thinking. Do not fall submissive into spiritual bypassing (“Just think positive! Don’t think about all the bad stuff!”) or melancholic pessimism (“There’s no changing things, we’re f’d!”). Instead, take this precious time to take care of yourself in the best ways you know how so you are a valuable asset to humanity when it comes your time to serve.

Love always, all ways,


If you are seeking guidance on your spiritual purpose, are challenged by personal wounds surfacing, feel overwhelmed by the state of the world and are in need of clarity, or simply just need support on how to take care of yourself during these abrasive times, please feel free to contact me at jaelynkohl@celestial-sisters.com. I am currently open to receiving new clients and would be honored to serve you during this vibrational transition.