Celestial Sisters

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Conscious Communication ~ March 2019

Crossing The Bridge

March is what is known as a ‘bridge’ month. It is the connector between February, the depths of winter, and the first promise of spring in April. The medicine of this month is all about movement; we have done the inner Work, with a capital ‘W’, through the stillness and introversion of winter and are now invited to crack open the seeds and move our energy towards the Light. This is the time we are finally moving into our manifestations, but that is to say nothing has really stayed the same. In fact, change is taking many of us by surprise with the swiftness of all this movement.

You know in your heart that the obstacles have been removed. You may also be reflecting on the things you are still wondering how to let go of, and should you? The answer is yes. All doors are open now, but you cannot take the past forward with you. Because of the shadow work we endured through the cold winter months, we are able to finally see the union between light and dark. This merging of inner and outer reality has illuminated our own personal will, integrity, and truths. With everything that has shifted for us individually and collectively, we are now one step closer to understanding our lives’ missions. Finally, we are able to understand how to fully integrate the past, present, and future into the now, and transform that old reality into what is ready to become our future selves.

The only constant in life is change. Just take a look at the seasons. We can depend on them to guide us through different aspects of our lives, but simultaneously teach the lesson of impermanence. Letting go of attempting to control so much of your experience has now granted you the opportunity to find yourself in flow. Through trusting this inner wisdom, this instinctive sense of purpose, you are actually able to reclaim your own authority of your life. The paradigm is such that you may need to backtrack to the time you diverged from your own certainty in order to find yourself back in the natural flow. Though you may reflect back on that time with guilt, grief, shame, regret, or just a simple feeling like you could have done it more gracefully, it was absolutely necessary for your new lessons of growth. You are now qualified and ready to take the next steps forward. You have aligned yourself perfectly with divine timing and are inherently supported by the Universe to push forward.

Although the lessons may have been deep, painful, or overwhelming, there was immense healing. All was necessary in order to energetically clear out patterning that was not serving the highest and best in you. For now, avoid placing yourself into situations that reinforce your wounding and only gravitate towards situations that promote your healing. A quote I heard recently that stuck with me was, “In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” Navigate this soulwork by walking your talk and putting respect first, for yourself and others. The way you hold yourself as we all emerge from these ‘dark nights of the soul’ is going to attract more of what you want, and repel what you do not. Know that you can assert yourself without ego and respect will follow, but be cautious of others’ projections.Having enough self-respect to create an honored reputation for yourself will place you into a position of strength.

And as always, you are Divinely supported. The entire human race is moving through these energies on some level, conscious or subconscious. Think of yourself as one of the lucky ones that gets to know what’s actually going on, and not just blindly getting tossed around by the energies floating around our atmosphere.

“With massive expansion comes nervous contraction.” - Lindsay Mack, Tarot for the Wild Soul

Written by: Jaelyn Kohl