You Are Worth The Effort

There isn’t another soul on this planet or spark in the sky that gets to decide your worth. The only sentient being with the knowledge of how important you are, is also the essence of source that lives within your heartspace and connects you to the cosmos.


For far too long you have been shown other’s actions and heard their cutting words that suggests otherwise. There may have been times where you felt differently even for yourself as an effect of taking on negative belief programs from these people or the collective. Perhaps there has been instances where your connection with your True Divinity was severed by experience, and for that, I honor you for continuing forward and making the effort to reconnect with your Self.


Today, you are to receive this message. You are worth every moment, deserving of every good thing, and capable of loving yourself amidst a world that constantly tries to belittle you. You are worth the time it takes to give yourself a compliment the first time you look in the mirror for the day. Your peace of mind is worth the effort of taking two minutes in the morning to set your day’s intention. It’s even worth the long drive out into the middle of nowhere by yourself blasting that one song on repeat with tears streaming down your face, yelling at the top of your lungs...because that is what you need to practice self care in that moment. You can ‘go out of your way’ to do what’s right for you...when really, what you are doing is bringing yourself back home. You are given the permission to walk away from what no longer serves you, including that job everyone tries to convince you to stay at, or that relationship you’ve held onto too long, or that friend group that isn’t vibrating on your frequency anymore.


Self care will look differently for everyone, and it will manifest differently every day, due to circumstance and environment. And there is no one way to go about it. No one has ever had the right to write a rulebook outlining what is appropriate for self care practice and what is not unless they’ve somehow lived in every body, at every time, ever. I promise you, no matter what someone claims to know, there is not one person that knows what you need besides yourself. One day, it could look like taking a bubble bath lined with candles, a tall glass of wine and a great book. The next, it might look like pushing your body to its limits with a strenuous workout or yoga practice, sweat dripping down your face and gritting your teeth, dedicated to your discipline. It might look like turning off your phone, retreating into nature, and whispering secrets to the trees, or maybe it’s booking yourself a trip, or a concert, or taking yourself out to dinner. Maybe something as simple as making yourself a delicious breakfast and enjoying the sun shining on your face.


The point is, whatever calls to you in the moment, your Higher Self is asking you to take accountability for your own peace of mind. We do not bring all of our energy into this human body, and it’s no wonder many times in our daily life we feel depleted by our environment and situations. So when you get these nudges to drop in, and I mean by really settling into the seat of your soul and asking yourself what you need, never judge yourself for what that looks like. The only one that needs to understand it is you. And truly, its beyond understanding - it’s a knowing. Knowing that in this moment you are asked to tune into the heart, where that soul essence resides, and allowing the moment of “I’m here” to take precedence over your body. And you are absolutely, wholly and magnificently, worthy of that moment.


Own it. Express it. Live it. Whatever it looks like, on whatever day, know that you are worth the effort you put into loving yourself. Let the people who tell you differently to fall away, because they aren’t matching your frequency that’s taking you to higher places and deeper self-love. Give yourself permission, right now, to put in whatever amount of effort you need to reconnect with your heart. The world will benefit deeply from this decision, because when you choose yourself, you choose to better humanity.


In love and gratitude,

Jaelyn Kohl

Channeled 9.2.18