April's Conscious Communication

Those of you still denying your gifts are being asked to let go of preconceived judgements, tap into your Inner Truth, and step forward as the Love Warrior you are. 

Time is allowing energies buried to become clearer and clearer to us. Our Higher Selves are asking us to wake up to what we have to offer the world, regardless of our preconceived notions of our 'work'. 

On a deeper level, we are familiar with our gifts. We have had them for a very, very long time. However, never before in humanity have we been asked, pleaded, to understand and accept our gifts into this reality. We have come full circle as a collective, and it is time to get back to our roots. This ancient wisdom is opening itself up for recognition, and many of us are hearing the call. Take this as your reminder to dive deep and seek out what is your Truth, your Wisdom. These lessons you've been going through are creating a place in you of growth, where this new knowledge becomes your authentic wisdom. You now have all the capabilities of applying these truths to your life. Ignore others' projections, and walk your path in Truth.

This path doesn't have to be clumsy. It won't give you bumps and bruises or make you want to scream. It can, and will, be achieved with a state of grace. This state of grace emerges when you fully surrender yourself to the Divine Flow, offering up to the Universe all of your doubts, insecurities, and burdens. Resisting your self-transformation is bound to feel chaotic, so use this time to practice letting go. You know that you are intuitive. It is your birthright, always has and always will. Stop denying to yourself that you know who it is when the phone rings, or that your 'hunches' about someone or something are precise. Surrender to your own healing and transformation so that the world can benefit from your abilities.

Many of us are feeling the urge to be of service to our planet and our earthly community. This sense of loyalty is what will project us forward into the 'New Earth'. Although it is disheartening to watch the chaos unfolding in humanity as it is, such as war, misinformation, prejudice, violence and more, our most important lesson in this life is to shift out of this anger and into a compassionate understanding. It may feel as though you have had the compassion beaten out of you, but if you dig deeper, it is still there. Your intuitive self knows that only hurt people hurt people. There is a deeper compassion present in your psyche that is loyal to humanity, regardless of its shortcomings. Use this as your fuel to be of service to the awakening.