i am here now ~ part four

november 6, 2018

yesterday was a day of great receiving.


a traditional massage from a small, strong indian woman,

then a sacred exchange

of gentle touch, energetic healing,

and in the afternoon,

a new sister committed

an act of kindness towards me.

i went to sunil’s shop down

by the ganga

and he read me my vedic astrology.

“this is a good year for you,” he said,

“but next year will be even better,

and then next a small setback

but immense growth,

and big transformation.

then next year after is best.

age twenty-nine through fifty-four

is golden era for you.”

i smiled, reminded of a favorite quote,

i believe in the good things coming;

the best is yet to come.

he mentioned teaching and business are best for me,

and i will have success in these places.

to think that my ‘golden era’ spans 25 years

is incredible.

i’m always alright with that.

knowing full well

i create my own destiny

it is comforting to think

that twenty-nine through fifty-four

may be my era of raising children,

the time i get to take a break

from the hustle and bustle

and step into a steady pace.

i know,

the person i’ll get to do that


will be heaven sent.

maybe that too

will be a time of great receiving,

straight from the universe

& spirit


to shift from maiden into mother,

to fall in love with a brand new piece of experience

and share

with my soul family

reminding me that i’m blessed

& every decision i make

will bring me to that place

of love

and connection...

sunil brings my attention back,

from my delicate daydream

as he mentions crystals

for healing

my ‘jupiter imbalance’.


yellow sapphire,

& ruby.


he pulls out a mala

tied of kyanite and citrine;

blue and gold.

adorned with a gold sri yantra

embued with a red ruby.

i’ve been wearing these colors

since the day i arrived.


i hesitate to ask the price,

familiar with the preciousness

of these stones


he looks me in the eyes,

“very good for you.

brings balance.

centers you.

good for healing.”

as i sit here and reflect,

spirit takes form

of the golden eagle flying overhead,

shining down on my paper.

a message of divinity.

impressed but wounded by the price,

i smiled gently and replied,

“thank you. it’s beautiful,

but i don’t even have that much in my bank account.”

and slid it back across the counter.

“the money don’t matter.

you need it.”

says anthony

in his irrefutable new york accent.

he’s been holding space next to me

a rocksteady presence.

i again shook my head,

wishing i could believe that.

“it’s all energy,”

he explained.

“what matters is it will help you.”

and without a moment of hesitation,

my new sister says,

“i’ll buy it for you.”

looking me dead in the eyes

i knew she was sincere

and committed

to her decision.

“you can do some of your healing work on me, i’d love that.”

and slides her credit card across the case

with a big grin,

high on compassion.

i didn’t know what to say;

i said thank you probably a million times

and each time

it still felt insufficient.

i wasn’t expecting that.

she only accompanied me

because she didn’t want me to go out alone.

it was absolute magic

guided by spirit

& i cannot wait

to offer her something in return

for her massive


but today,

i appreciate the gift

of receiving something

so potent.

and i am here now,

in the energy of receiving.

jaelyn kohl